Participation of Hellenic National Defence College Commandant in the 53rd NATO Conference of Commandants

From 07 to 10 May 24, Hellenic National Defense College (HNDC) Commandant, Lieutenant General Sardellis Athanasios, participated in the 53rd NATO Conference of Commandants, which was co-organized by the NATO Defense College (NDC) and the National Defense University (NDU) of the United States, in Washington D.C.

Delegations from more than 40 countries participated in the Conference and its theme was “Developing Leadership for the next 75 years of the Alliance”. Prominent professors of US Universities, senior executives of large private companies and High-ranking NATO officers, were the main speakers.

At the beginning of the session, the Conference was greeted by SACT Commander, General Philippe Lavigne, while at the end, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Charles Brown, gave a speech.

On the sidelines of the Conference, HNDC Commandant met in private with the Commandants of NDC, NDU and other Allied Colleges, as well as with academics, enhancing collaborations with Allied Colleges and upgrading HNDC’s Curriculum and education programs.

At the end of the Conference, NDC Commandant announced the co-organization with HNDC of the 54th NATO Conference of Commandants in Athens, in 2025.