Commander’s message

Dear Alumni,

Welcome to the Hellenic National Defense College (HNDC) Alumni Page. Throughout HNDC’s long history as the highest military academic institution in matters of national defense and security, we have hosted many foreign students. Their participation in our College’ s educational process has been a factor of modernization, improvement, and educational enhancement. The collaboration between students of different cultural backgrounds and Greek classmates has facilitated exchange of knowledge and the best possible mutual understanding, strengthening bonds of friendship and cooperation.

The HNDC considers its foreign graduates as ambassadors of the Greek Strategic Thought and Education System. In our strong willingness to establish a permanent communication, we developed the Alumni section on the College’s website. In this way, Alumni will be able to follow College’s activities and keep contact with the College’s professors, staff and classmates.

Finally, I would like to thank you for trusting the Hellenic National Defense College and for choosing it as the institution that provided you with Strategic Level knowledge. It is our sincere hope that we have significantly contributed to your further professional and personal development.

Σοφία συν Τέχνη “Sophia syn Techni” (Wisdom with Art).

Lt. General Athanasios Sardellis

HNDC Commandant