

Today’s data and challenges at international and regional levels, combined with gloomy global economic forecasts, are affecting various sectors of daily human activity in diverse ways. Naturally, sectors like Security and Defence, two fundamentally “military” parameters, are not left unaffected. They are closely intertwoven with the framework of our country’s national strategy, whether acting individually or as part of various international organizations in which it participates.

In this context, the need for cooperation and synergy among the Armed Forces and different government actors, emerged a task that the Hellenic National Defence College meets in order to fulfill the different prerequisites. Since its establishment a lot of officers graduated as “National Defence Executives” equipped with broad knowledge and modern understanding of coordination and cooperation on National Defence issues.

The Hellenic National Defence College (HNDC) was founded in 1950 with its headquarters in Thessaloniki, where it remained until 1952. In 1952, it was transferred to Athens and was housed in the building complex of the Hellenic Army Academy, where it operated until 1978. After a short relocation at “SAKETA” Camp in the east part of Athens, in 1984, moved in its current location the Averof Building in Athens, former Headquarters of the Hellenic Army Academy,

The Averof building was designed by Ernesto Chiller and constitutes a donation from the national benefactor George Averof. Today, this building has been declared by the Ministry of Culture as a preserved monument.

The emblem of HNDC depicts Goddess Athena with the motto “Sophia syn Techni” (Wisdom with Craftsmanship). This motto represents the mission and work of HNDC, as wisdom and the art of war are considered “essential” tools for HNDC graduates being capable of coping with future challenges.