Publication of HNDC’s REVIEW “ATHENA”

The 57th issue of HNDC’s Review “ATHENA” has been published!

This issue of “ATHENA” analyzes the drastically changing security environment, aiming to develop the readers’ critical thinking and enrich their cognitive background.

In addition, we present issues of geostrategic and geopolitical interest, both contemporary and past with an impact on the present, concerning international organizations (UN, NATO), regional conflicts and contemporary issues of geostrategic importance.

Ιn the context of extroversion, for the first time articles and papers by professors from institutions cooperating with the College, such as the National Defence University (USA) and the METIS Institute of the University of Bundeswehr Munich (Germany), are published in the English edition.

Enjoy reading “ATHENA”!!

Link: Review “ATHENA” Issue 57