Field trip of the 9th International Senior Course (ISCASDD) in Northern Greece

From 21 to 25 October 2024, a field trip of the 9th International Senior Course (ISCASDD) of the Hellenic National Defence College (HNDC) took place, in Northern Greece.

During this trip, the students of the 9th ISCASDD had the opportunity to attend a training course of the Multinational Peace Support Operations Training Centre (MPSOTC) and visit the headquarters of 1st ARMY/ EU-OHQ in Larissa, C’Army Corps/NRDC-GR and Supreme Joint War College in Thessaloniki and the 71 Airborne Brigade HQ in Kilkis, where they were briefed about their mission and operation. In addition, they visited Fort Roupel and the archaeological sites of Vergina and Thermopylae, in order to get firsthand knowledge on ancient and modern Greek history.